Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Time to Save a Nation!

For my friends who are liberal in your political position, I have one message for you, your President is a complete disaster. There has not been one aspect of his job performance that he has succeeded in. After six and half years your vote for Barack Obama weakened a nation, killed Innocent children, and have put America on the brink of another 911. You can not argue with the facts:

1. Obama's decision to leave zero forces in Iraq have given the country to Muslim dictator that makes Osuma Bin Laden appear to be a minor leaguer. Have you turned on your liberal MSNBC broadcast? Guess what, your feel good network does not show the  beheading Iraq people as ISIS started at one end of the country and marched to 30 miles shy of Baghdad. What has your President done? Nothing! Now they armed with the weapons we provided the Iraqi's and they are well funded. On July 4th, the new terrorist state proclaimed, America, were coming!

2. Have you looked at the boarder? The President has know for over six months that we have a boarder crisis. Does he send the national guard? No! He asks for 3 billion dollars of our money to provide support for people who have crossed our boarders illegally. Mr. President (Idiot in Chief) here is the solution, put them on Air Force One and send them back to their country. They are not American Citizens and they are not awarded due process of law. Next, order the Army and Marines to walk to the boarder with enough ammunition to light the sky's up to the Canadian Boarder and simply say, your not welcome! Let Mexico deal with them. BTW Mr. President, your message about dreamers being able to stay here, guess what? You gave child pedophiles a license to rape children. Also, how many died trying to get here? Your complicit in these crimes Mr. President and on judgement day you will have a whole lot to be accountable for!

3. Veterans Administration: America has a moral responsibility to our citizens and the people who provide our freedom to provide them the best health care that our dollars can provide. How many Veterans lost their life because of you Mr. President?

4. IRS: This has the potential to be the next Watergate of my generation. All leads appear to be heading to the White House and when the truth comes out, I pray to God you have a Richard Nixon moment like August 8, 1974.

5. Benghazi: Where the hell were you Mr. President? Four Americans die in Lybia and your off to a political campaign event in Las Vegas? Maybe you were appearing on the Showtime series Gigolos? But one thing is certain, four Americans died on your watch and you allowed them to die with zero help,

6. Does the name Bergdahl ring a bell? You trade the fab five all stars of terrorists who have documented contributions to killing thousands of people for a trader who left his unit?

Congress needs to impeach you! Every day you remain in office it is only a matter of what the next mistake will be. When you make mistakes, you put our nation at risk, our military in arms way, and you cost us more money than Obamacare can even imagine.

The facts are, your a complete and total incompetent. Resign or be impeached.

More on how to save America coming!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Does America Owe You a Free Ride?

My election ballot came this today and over the next week I will do my civic duty. My civic duty includes doing the research necessary to make an informed decision. It is my hope that my liberal friends will take the time to really investigate what there voting for and why. As Obama told the Republican party prior to taking the oath of office, elections have consequences.

What type of America do you want to live in? When your looking at your ballot have you really taken the time to study the issues and truly understand the type of America you want? If you watch MSNBC or listen to liberal radio station 620, KPOJ, you would naturally think that conservative Republicans are cold hearted bastards that don't give a rip about people or our community. The impression is we only care about low income tax rates so we can pocket the money like Mr. Potter from "It's a wonderful Life".

You might find that we have more in common than we don't. So let's attempt to put an end to the notion that we don't care:
  • Poor: We have a moral and civic responsibility to provide financial assistance to the people who are not capable of helping themselves. If someone loses their job due to no fault of their own, those people should be entitled to unemployment insurance for a period of time. However that does not mean that they should be in titled to endless unemployment insurance. That also does not mean that they do not have a responsibility to seek out new employment. The Governments role is pretty simple. If your unemployed you get six months of unemployment insurance, however instead of calling a 1-800 hot line, you should be required to meet with a State employment Officer who's primary responsibility is to ensure each person is attempting to seek employment. If it is determined that you have not done everything in your power to obtain a job, then you will not receive benefits.
  • Food Stamps: 44 million people are receiving this benefit. The question that should be asked is pretty simple, is this designed to be a lifetime benefit for every American? Should there be a point in the process that people are expected to take care of themselves and their families? Is it fair to society as a whole that the people who are working and paying into the system be forced to support generations after generations of people who receive a free handout?
America has created and is embracing an entitlement culture. Is it fair for society to have to pay for the decisions made by people who have no regard for the consequences of their actions? The America that my parents grew up in and instilled in me, it was shameful to accept government handouts. There once was a period of time where people took pride in self reliance. You did not rely on society for food, clothing, housing and even health care. It was the responsibility of the family bread winner to ensure their family had all they needed to achieve success.

There are without question people who will never be able to help themselves. Society should provide a safety net for the people who can not compete in the market place due to no fault of their own. People with real medical disabilities that would not allow them to compete in the workplace, we should help them. However the question that needs to be answered, if you are physically and mentally healthy, at what point does society not owe you a free ride?

Assume for a moment that your teenage child becomes pregnant with a child and they choose to have the baby. If both parents are under the age of 21 are they really going to have the same advantages that someone with a college education have in terms of income levels? We all know the answer to that question, NO! In the current system today, we give them low cost housing, food stamps, and the Oregon Health Plan. What incentive do they have to get off the public support system? We need to make it a requirement that for people to obtain public benefits, they have to demonstrate that they are doing everything within their power to help themselves. That means, the parents are required to obtain job training or continuing education that will give them an opportunity to raise their market value in the work place.

If you were born or come to the United States of America, that does not mean your entitled to cradle to grave entitlements. America does not owe you a free ride. America is the land where you can become anything you want, so long as you do the work to achieve success. What we will promise you is a hand up should situations beyond your control happen to you. The benefits will not be forever, however we will be reasonable.

Does America need medical health care reform? Yes. There is a solution to the problem to be found, however everyone who has a stake should be at the table to have a healthy debate. What I will say, no one in America should ever under any circumstances be denied the right of medical care. Society has a responsibility to help the people who can not help themselves due to life circumstances. What needs to be debated is, how can we achieve that goal?

President Obama often says that he wants everyone to have a fair shot. I agree! However that does not mean that people don't have a personal responsibility to help themselves. At the end of the day I am accountable to my Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus gave talents and gifts to each of us to use for the body of Christ. We are expected to work as we are serving the body. Christ also said that we have personal responsibility to help the less fortunate. When we assist the poor or less advantaged, we are actually giving to him, our Savior.

It is not the responsibility of Government to manage our lives and provide equality of lifestyles. As free people we have the choice to become anything we want, as long as we work for it. The time has come where we need to return to the values of our parents and grand parents generation or our children will not have the same opportunity for the American dream.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Why is it so hard for the President and Vice President to tell the truth? Without a doubt there are supporters who believe everything that is proclaimed from the White House. In their eyes, the administration can do no wrong. However I challenge my liberal friends to focus only on the facts.

Libya: Within 24 hours the White House was briefed by the intelligence department as to what happened in Libya. The administration knew that the American Ambassador was murdered by terrorists. Don't you find it odd that for over a week the administration blamed the event on a video and that the video created a spontaneous riot? Why would Secretary Clinton give a press briefing giving that as the reason? Why would the President of the United States speak in front of the United Nations and give this explanation? The White House Press Secretary for days spilled this as the reason?

But the truth of the matter appears to be lost in the administration. On the 11th anniversary of 9/11 would it not be common sense for the State Department to add additional security in a region where it is know to have terrorist cells? Weeks prior to the assassination, the State Department was warned that Ambassador Stevens was on a hit list. The terrorists had already had hit the compound with attacks prior to 9/11. Two days prior the Vice Presidential debate, the State Department spoke in front of Congress and told the committee that they requested additional security on two occasions only to be turned back. Not only turned back, but the State Department reduced their security.

So how can Vice President of the United State go out in front of the public and tell us in a debate that he did not know anything? He did not know they asked for help? It is not possible. The Vice President of the United States obtains a copy of the morning intelligence briefing like the President everyday. Also, an American Ambassador is assassinated and the story has hit all of the major news networks. Do they actually believe the American people are stupid not to believe they knew?

Here is the truth. The Obama Administration believe your stupid. There Middle East policy is going up in smoke because the American public will soon discover that leading from behind gets people killed. In fact, America is weaker and more at risk today than prior to Bush leaving office. The Administration wants you to believe that they have created alliances with other nations, but the truth of the matter, they foreign countries do not respect Obama.

An American Embassy and American Ambassador is assassinated and what does President Obama do? He flies to Las Vegas on a campaign stop. World leaders come to America to speak at the United Nations and the President can make time for Whoopee Goldberg, but can't meet with one Middle East leader? Then he gives a speech to the United Nations and talks about a video causing the assassination?

It is impossible to make this up. The President of the United States has met with the Brotherhood of Muslims, however he can not share dinner with America's biggest ally in the Middle East, Israel? All true. Iran is probably less than a year away from having nuclear weapons and he shuns the Israeli Prime Minister?

I was in college during the Reagan Administration and what ended the cold was Regan's view of peace thru strength. The communist block collapsed because they knew that the United States was the strongest military power on earth. President Clinton benefited from the Reagan policies which allowed America to expand and prosper. But one this Clinton did was shrink our military and reduced our intelligence gathering. The impact of that decision? 9/11/2001. What does Obama do with our military? He clearly demonstrates to our allies that we can not be counted on. He makes an apology tour of the Middle East that America was wrong. He calls the water boarding of key informants who led us to Osama Bin Laden as terrorists. And he def errs our foreign policy to the United Nations.

If your an American, you need to be angry. No country has given more to the world. If it were not for America. Germany would have won World War 2. America has a moral responsibility to lead the world if for no other reason, it is in our best interest. It is not the role of the President of United States to defer our national security issues to the United Nations. Do we really think Putin will support us? If Obama's apology tour was viewed as positive, then why is Egypt in chaos? Do you really think the Brotherhood of Muslims who number 1 mission is to kill the infidels going to support the United States? Has hope and change given us peace in Syria? If Iran was really afraid of us, why would they continue seeking the nuclear bomb?

Where do the facts take you? Is hope and change a good thing for America?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

It is truly amazing to hear President Obama’s henchman go out in front of the media and proclaim that Mitt Romney lied during the debates. Mitt Romney is better man than I because I would look the President in the eye and say, Mr. President you’re the liar!

When Obama Care is fully enacted in 2014, 716 billion dollars will be cut from the Medicare program and here is the impact. Senior citizens are going to be stuck with an insurance plan that will not be accepted by doctors and hospitals!

What Obama Care is going to do two things in regards to Medicare benefits. First off they are going to drastically cut what they will pay doctors for their visits and further reduce to hospitals the payments for services used. When a hospital and doctor agree to accept Medicare insurance, they agree to a fee schedule for every aspect of services provided. For example assume the cost of a doctor’s visit is $200.00.  Medicare could reduce the reimbursement to $60.00 and the doctor would have to accept it.

Medical practices today are limiting the number of Medicare patients they will accept and in the future there is a very strong possibility they will not accept it.

This could be the reality for the people who have Medicare in the future. Assume you have worked your entire life and built up a nest egg for retirement and you own your own home. It is discovered during your annual physical that there is a possibility that you have prostate cancer. So you go to a Gastroenterology group and they tell you, we don’t accept Medicare, your will be responsible for the entire bill. After the test are done, it is confirmed you have cancer but there is one little problem. The doctors who specialize in this type of medicine don’t accept Medicare. Maybe you live in community where there is not one doctor who accepts these patients? What are you going to do? Obviously you’re going to liquidate your savings, mortgage or sell your home, and liquidate all of your personal assets to pay for your treatments.

Assume you are truly blessed and you become cancer free. Guess what, the only income you have is social security and maybe a retirement check from your employer. That is all you have. No savings. No family home. Imagine if you owe more than you have? You’re looking at bankruptcy!

Does medical insurance need to be reformed? Yes. Obama Care is not the solution. President Obama has proclaimed that is has given tax breaks to the middle class and not raised taxes. Guess what, he lied. Obama Care will have the highest increase in taxes to the middle class than any program created by government.

I am not proud to call the President of the United States a liar. Obama knows that he can’t win any debates based on the truth. The only thing he can do is make up lies and hope that they will stick.

My wonderful liberal friends, if you love your country and you want to protect the seniors in our community, do not support Barack Obama.  In times of national crisis, Obama travels to Vegas to give another fundraising speech as opposed to being the President of the United States.  Your children deserve a leader, not someone who has put 6 trillion dollars on the countries credit card. Obama cries for us to be patriotic and make sacrifices. Why should I make sacrifices for a President who driving granny down a dark road to meet the end of a cliff? I should sacrifice while he gives 540 million dollars to Solyndra (who just happen to contribute to his campaign)?

America deserves a real leader and I know it is not the empty chair sitting in the White House today!


Friday, September 28, 2012

Do you ever remember the stories told at the dinner table as you were growing up?  Do you also remember when you heard those stories from your childhood that your parents would say you don’t understand how good you have today? Do you remember?

Both of my parents were born in the depression era.  I found it a little hard to believe how they described the America they grew up in. My dad’s father working for the US Postal Service and making $25.00 per week.  My mom grew up in Dayton Ohio and was raised by a single parent. My mom telling me that grandma Bernice worked two jobs to support the family and that each of the older children had to work after school to also support the family unit.  My mom would tell me, Mike, you have advantages I never had. With hard work and determination, anything is possible if you believe in yourself. 
Both of my parents worked while I was in school so that I could enjoy the advantages they did not have. My mom also taught me that it was important to give.  As you become successful, you have moral responsibility to share your gifts and talents with the people around you. She would say, Mike, I need for you to take this seriously because I expect you to never rely on government for your daily bread. Instead, you’re to share your talents with others.
If you raised your family in the 60’s & 70’s, you’re probably thinking, what happened to the America I knew? We have become the following society:
·         There was no debate about right to life. It was generally accepted that the life of the unborn child is sacred and to be treasured because it is a gift from God. Today we have President actually tell the world: I don’t want Sasha and Malia to pay for a mistake.

·         If you were sick at school, the school was prohibited from giving you medications. Today, they can give your child the morning after pill and never tell the parents.

·         The value of work was to be admired. Today, there is honor in scamming the American government for every entitlement. Don’t ask what you can do for your country, but what can your country do for you?
Your parent’s generation and your parents, parent’s generation made sacrifices so that the next generation would be better off than previous generation.  The American tax payers (that is all of us) owe our creditors 16 trillion dollars! Seriously, how selfish of a culture we have become that we would saddle the next generation of children with this debt?
Do you have children? What kind of education do you think they’re going to have? A few weeks ago I was reading the Oregonian and average classroom sizes in Beaverton will be over 35. In the high schools that number will be even higher. Were you aware that 60% of the freshman walking into the high school for the first time will not graduate? What are we going to do when there is no more money for education?
Our parents were the greatest generation! They understood to be great, they had to freely give their talents to the society as a whole and they held themselves accountable. They created a culture that refused welfare, food stamps, and low cost housing. In their hearts of heart, what made America great was hard work, determination, and individual sacrifice. 
This weekend ask yourself what type of America should we have? Are we better off today than we were in our parent’s generation?  Think about the following:

·         Are the moral values of this country better today than the previous generation?

·         Will your children have the same commitment to marriage that your grandparents had?

·         If a baby is in the womb of a woman, why is it morally ok to kill it by having an abortion?

·         Whyis it wrong to love Jesus Christ?
Would you want your child to conduct their life like our current President?



Wednesday, September 26, 2012

On August 10, 2012 US Marine Greg Buckley Jr.  died when an Afghan Police Officer fired multiple AK-47 rounds into his chest as he worked out on a exercise bench at a Marine Base in Afghanistan.  There have been a total of 51 attacks this year made against US and British armed forces.  Greg Buckley Sr. recounted that in several telephone conversations with his son, Junior made it crystal clear that there were growing hostilities between the US and Afghan forces.

Since receiving news the evening of August 10th that his son was killed on a Marine base, their family received a form letter from the White House giving condolences for their loss. No personal message signed by President Obama. Just your traditional form letter you get from the government when they are replying to a question.

On September 11, 2012 Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered by Islamic terrorists.  Three other US citizens were also murdered in that planned attack. What appears odd is why the United States UN Ambassador, Secretary State Hillary Clinton and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney would report to the world that these murders were the result of a video? A spontaneous riot that led to death?

Here is a serious question to think about; what does it mean to be professional in the way you carry out your responsibilities as President of the United States? The leaders of the world have arrived In New York City and the President of the United States does not have time to meet and discuss the critical issues our country is facing?

Iran is months away from having nuclear weapons and they have promised to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. US Embassy’s in the Middle East are being attack. The US Ambassador is murdered on the 11th anniversary of 911. The Prime Minister of Israel asks for a private meeting with President Obama and was told he could not fit it into his schedule?

 I need to ask this question to my liberal friends. Do you think our President goes to bed at night worried about the safety of our men and women serving this nation in dangerous situations?  Does it not bother you that the President of the United States is more concerned sharing his love life on the ABC program the “View” than meeting with leaders to find solutions to this crisis?

Do you believe the men and women serving this nation, the families who have given the ultimate sacrifice of a loved one and the diplomatic community who lived in fear truly believes in their heart of hearts that this is just bump on the road Mr. President? Look into the faces of your children tonight and remember the first time you took them to school. Remember the first time they spoke to you. Remember the night they said, I love you! These same very children then grow up and decide to give service to the United States and in list in the military. Then one day a Marine officer shows up your door and says, the United States is so sorry for your family’s loss. Would this be a bump in the road for you?

The world is in crisis and President Obama is drinking beer with Barbara Walters? The President is only 20 minutes away from a family who just put their son to rest and the best the President can do is mail a form letter of thank you?

Am I having a Groundhog Day moment? Have I really gone back to my senior year of high school in Lake Oswego and the year is 1979? Are hostages being taken? Am I really watching Nightline and seeing Ted Koppel tell the world this is the 350th day America has been held hostage? Thank God I wake up and I am having a dream.  But wait a minute, maybe Jimmy Carter is still President?

